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What drives ethnic conflicts forward?

Which school of though better explains the causes of ethnic violence? Introduction The nature of ethnic violence has been always generating debates among scholars coming from the fields of comparative politics and international relations. The question discussed in this post will contrast several types of arguments, the rationalist argument that sees the ethnic conflict as a rational result of group and individual behavior (Steinberg 1981; Glazer & Moynihan 1975) with the premordialist argument that observe the ethnic violence as an inevitable clash based on innate antagonisms of contending groups (Smith 1986; Kaplan 1993), the constructivist, and the symbolist politics. I will try to project which of the theory provides a better answer to the questions: whether conflicts among different ethnicities are natural phenomena or and what are the factors that trigger the escalation of ethnic violence? Rational choice theory perceives ethnic conflict

Profanarea simbolicii UE sau nu?

Profanarea simbolicii UE sau nu? Recent trecând prin preajma sediul Partidului Democrat am auzit o fîlfîitură care mi-a atras atenția. Mi-am îndreptat vederea - erau drapelele Moldovei arborate deolaltă cu cele ale Uniunii Europene. Trebuie să recunoaștem ele se privesc perfect pe fundalul signel PDM. Trandafiri roșii pe fon albastru combinate cu drapelul albastru UE este o asortare cu adevărat perfectă de culori care inspiră încredere și pace. Aici însă ne oprim, precum fiecare istorie conține și un DAR. Precum a zis bine cineva, totul ce este mentionat pînă la dar este doar umplutură de aceia vom trece la partea de după DAR. Fără mari tertipuri legale știm că folosirea simbolicii unor anumitor entități politice presupune împărtășirea valorilor acestor instituții. Mai mult ca atît răspîndirea acestor valori prin arborarea simbolicii vine la pachet cu anumite responsabilități morale față de instituția a căror simbolică o arborăm. Pe de altă parte, autodeclararea de a

Why don't we chose the right version in the election day?

Every person wants to live a healthy life endowed with bountiful economic benefits and social liberties, proud of his own achievements and respect of his neighbors. This description can be attributed to any being disregarding of his socio-political orientations or his geo-political preferences. This truth has a simple explanation - the humans are actors driven by rationality. That is why when it comes to express their political preferences they will chose only the best from the offered option, that comes with maximum benefits for him personally, his family members and the community/society he lives in. This system however can work only in a democratic society where different political options compete among themselves on a stage with an open and free public tribune. Where the political field is even and gives equal chances to all political options. When, the microphone installed on the public tribune invites everyone and everyone has the right to speak freely. And fin